Page name: bored wiki [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-20 21:38:28
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Welcome to the bored wiki !


Welcome to the bored wiki , every one is welcome here...if you would like to become a member just go to the link below (bored wiki members )and add you name at the bottom of the list...if you have any questions message me,my username is [deathly ~*~ beautiful] or [FireWing].Thank you.


Rules: agrueing here (or fighting)
2.dont talk trash about people on here
3.have fun and feel free to talk about whatever
4.dont use this as a debate room there is a forum designed for that..go there instead..


Owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

Asst. Manager:[FireWing]


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Here are some other cool wiki's that I know of...if you have one you'd like to add just let me here they are:

mystic circle -owner:[scarletdeath]
ghost hunters -owner:[THEHOBBITEDONE]
Cutters Poetry-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]
gothicDepression fan club -owner:[Celtore]
bleeding hearts -owner:[Celtore]
People of the Heartagram-owner:[FireWing]
What Love Truely Is-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]


If you have any questions comments or complaints contact me.(Or if you wish Message James @ [FireWing])We will be happy to help you or listen to your question comment or complaint.

[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

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2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: same

2005-06-20 [Celtore]: RON lol im tired ya'll *yawns*

2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: me twees fall to the floor but passes through.... whoa...

2005-06-20 [hardyboy2000]: some one message me im bored

2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: hi jumps onu meww

2005-06-20 [hardyboy2000]: umm hi wuts up toots

2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: nothin gjuss chillin bored as hell waiten ta go out u?

2005-06-20 [hardyboy2000]: where u goin

2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: lol i'm gunna go to a party

2005-06-20 [hardyboy2000]: have fun

2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: ohhh yea lol

2005-06-20 [hardyboy2000]: anybody here

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i am..

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: i am to

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey !!!im bored and my feeling wont go away even though i figured it out..

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: what feeling is that

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: that my friend chelsea is not gonna listen when i tell her not to go to that guy jimmys house and shes gonna get in ewven more trouble than she is well im gonna go..

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: later\

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: hi! how r u ppl! ?

2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: meww i'm leeveing all huggies i'll be around here and there love yas bye

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: bye emerald eyes.... illl miss u...

2005-06-20 [DimondEyes_666]: skootals

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: ur welome?

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: bye emerald

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im back!

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: HI! ^^

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey*glomps*

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps back* how r u?

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *glomps silence adn wind*

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps hobbit* GLOMP FIGHT! >_< *glomps everyone*

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *glomps back*

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps hobbit again* feel my wrath!

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *glomps wind*ha ah

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: *extreme glomps hobbit* beat that!

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: * takes a running leap and glomps wind* ha ha i just did

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: ACK!! i think i broke sumthing!

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ooops

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: *get up* gotcha! *glomps*

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,hey ppl wow i feel left

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *glomps wind then silence*

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps both of them at the same time* HI!! ^^

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hi

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *glomps everyone* lol,can we stop now>lol

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: awww! it was justing fun... -_-

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,sorry i was just a bit bored with what you

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: .. >.> <.< i dont know what i want...

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol not many

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: wait! im getting a psychic reading.. i...want... COOKIES!! to the kitchen!!! *zoom*

2005-06-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..yeah physic my

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yeah i agree with taht

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: *sulks* dont make fun of me... -_-

2005-06-20 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: im sorry

2005-06-20 [une histoire d'amour]: its okay! ^ *pats her on the head*

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: hello agani if u dont want me here tell me k

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: no! i want u here! hi friend! ^^

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: hi friend

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: YAY!! ^^ ur on! *hugs*

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: umm ok..

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *hugs loud silence* welcome back

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: wow people are extremely huggable in here lol

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: hello! tomorows my last day of school! YESH!!

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: that sux i got out 4 days ago

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: well.. .so what? i still have one more day! ^^

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: y does it suck?

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: ok ok calm down im just playin wit ya geeze so how r u

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: im good! ^^ u? (sry i over react sumtimes... -_-)

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: its ok im ggod but i g2g message me sometime k toots

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: um okay... (toots? 0.o)

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: its my word sorry i started it and ill never stop it

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: lol! thats okay! ^^ its like pooperstinkers and sexy muffins... 0.o

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey ppl..

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: hi!

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey!*glomps*

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: *huggles*

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,so what are you up to?

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: nothing... im bored...

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: isntr that why your hewre?lol

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: lol! ^^ right!

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what do you want to talk aboput?

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: ... nothing...

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,im tirededededid..

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: me too -_-

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: a bout to fdall asleep rite now....

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: im about to die...

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why?

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: i dunno...

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..its possible to die from boredom according to my theory.

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: yea it is... pergatory is god's punishment.. and u sit there for a thousand years... now THATS boring...

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,nah i was reffering to old ppl,they get so old that they are bored and they die from boredom (but everyone else says they die from old age...)

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: lol!

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thats my theory..makes sence huh?

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: yea! it does!

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,well im reading all of the replys in this forum im in..i havent in a

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: hello everybody :)

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: Heya

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: hi! *glomps*

2005-06-21 [hardyboy2000]: glomps?

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: *glomps back*

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *jumps from the shadows glomping everybody*whats up everybody

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: nothing much what about you?

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: not a thing

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: o well then

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: so whats up

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: nothing much

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *scrolls up* i already asked that , hmmm so ..

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: lol o yeah

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: so aanythign interesting happening that way

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: not really just a bit of girl trouble as usual lol

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: lol, couldnt tell u a thing on that subject, not one of my departments

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: well it's a big department for me

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ill stick to the paranormal, the stuff u run into in that department alot of times is a lot nicer

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: I concur

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ?

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: another way of saying I agree

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: oh, ok, thats what i thought just wasnt sure,

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: kk

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: girl or evil creature of the astral plains, hmmm, desicions decisions, lol,

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: lol yeah i bet

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: sad thing is they are equal at times

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: yeah i guess so

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ok i think i better quit, before i get my self into trouble  what else is there to talk about,

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey any 1 here

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yeah

2005-06-21 [Magatama]: I dunno what to talk about

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: so everyone being good???

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yep

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,good!loli didnt want to have to ban

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: nope havent

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im just being bored

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: good,hey glad to see that you joined!*shakes hand*

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke oke oke its good dont get to happy im a boring purson with a boring life

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: why u think the rest of us are here

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..yeah well i can be exteremly busy and stilll be so it dont count for

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: bechouse your trying to get ride of the bordom of life it self

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: good pint

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: yep

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,erm pint???lol

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: point, cut me some slack im out of schhool, so my spelling skills go bye bye

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,its ok same here..

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel dont look at my spelling i havent slept fore 2 days now

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: i could care less about spelling here, with my ocd though i get picky at certasin times

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: i dont care about spelling who need it as long as you know wat the other purson means its oke

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: hi guys! ^

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: hi!

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *glomps wind*

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps her back*

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: heyppls..

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: oh, sorry, * glomps silence* dont want to leave u out

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: lol! ^^

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke wat's going on i leaf fore a coppel of min and i finde this

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps drakengard*

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: sorry my brians stuck but wat dose that mean

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: i dont know actually, ask wind

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey wat dose that mean glomps?

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: i dont know either! ask hobbit!

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: its like a hug that tackles you..friendly of corse,i had to ask that once..

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: why didnt u knwo that wind, u made it up

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hahahhahahaha oke thinking of thinks that you dont know the anser to i gues whi do wierd things when whi are bored

2005-06-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: nah she didnt make it up its been around for a while everyone does it and i never knew what it ment so i asked dimond..well actually now i think her name is emerald eyes 666....hmm...but yeah i asked her and she told me..

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: oh ,        u knwo she might not be on anymore right silence, she might be leaving

2005-06-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: why that

2005-06-21 [une histoire d'amour]: i didnt ask...

2005-06-21 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: i dont know she said she wasnt for sure,  oh yall check this out 

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wats that

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: pass the potatoe

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke dont know that 1

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ... what the heck was that?

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: its like pss the potaoe but instead of  passing to  ppl close by u pass it allo over the us the goal is to see if it can be pssed to all 50 states

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: oh! ^^ i live in nj...

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel i dont live in the us

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: i thinkits world wide.

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: just click it and do what it says

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i did and this weird potato with a helicopter hat thing poped up...

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hahahah thats funny

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: did u feel out the thing

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: feel out the thing?

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yeah if u did , u an click on it again and see where all its been

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: i didnt do it i dont like to do sutch things but thats just me

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ??? im confused

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: THEHOBBITEDONE says you have to go here -> and fil in the zip code part than you can see where its bin olready

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i did that... and a scary potato thing popped up...

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hahahahahah thats wat whi whure talking about

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ... im still confused...

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: why that wat dont you get?

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i dunno i just get cunfused easily...

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: so is any 1 still here ore am i the last 1

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: imhere sorta

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke wel its kinde getting boring here nobudys talking not here on the wiki and not at my page

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im here again!yay!

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: welcome back

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thank ya...

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hey did u get the last message i sent ya

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no..i didnt..

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: welcome baxk

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: welcome back

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: tank yas..

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: me and my typing (so very bad)

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..poor thing is hobbit still here?he stopped sending my messages..whats going on?

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